Tag Archives: EcoClean

Mainline televising in pulp mill

Woodland pulp mill

Televising inside pulp mill

Woodland Pulp Mill

Mainline TV

Mainline televising in pulp mill. During a recent renovation and addition at the Woodland pulp mill near Canada Keith and I drove up to inspect a 24" storm drain and locate exactly where the storm drain went outside. Just outside they are building a massive addition to the mill . They needed to know precisely where the storm drain is so they can drive pilings down for supports. Another job completed.

WWETT show training

WWETT show training

Lateral cutting after linging

PipePatch Demo

WWETT show training

WWETT show training. Here we are at the annual trade show seeing the newest technologies for cutting open laterals after lining a pipe and sharpening our skills with SourceOne Environmental performing a demo with their PipePatch system.

WWETT Annual Trade Show


Annual Trade Show

WETT Show floor


Pics for the WWETT annual trade show. Every year we attend the WWETT show to upgrade our equipment, have hands on experience with new technologies and receive training to keep our business ahead of our competitors.

Thawing Frozen Storm Drain

cold weather jetting

Ice in storm drain

ice in storm drain

cold weather jetting

Thawing frozen storm drain in Scarborough. Call us crazy or just that good. Yes we are the only company that will come out and thaw your large diameter drain lines with jetting equipment when it's -2 degrees out. Just look at the ice we are removing from this 12" diameter storm drain. That ice dam ended up being 48' long!